NATE’S NOTES: In Nate’s Words

Symbols_0057SPOILER ALERT- This is NOT Nate. Nate has been struggling lately with a number of things, and hasn’t felt up to writing. But I wanted to share some of these, because, even when he isn’t writing, this little blogger still amazes and entertains us with his words.   He is such a gift in our lives, teaching us so much about emotions, challenges, courage, facing our fears and paying attention to everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. This little big boy doesn’t miss much.  

Hopefully he’ll be back to writing soon. In the meantime…Hope you enjoy Nate this way as well.  Have a creative weekend! 

Hopefully he’ll be back to writing soon. In the meantime…Hope you enjoy Nate this way as well.

This is by far the creepiest thing to date as a parent:

MOMMA: (Upon being woken by Nate at 1 am, inches from my face.) “AAAAA! Nate!! What are you doing???”
NATE: (In a guttural Hulk-like voice) “I AM NOCTURNAL!!!”
MOMMA: **I’m still shuddering.**


NATE: “Momma, Daddy- the hawder you push on a spwing, the hawder it pushes back. That’s why we need to jump hawd on a mattress… because the spwings in it can launch us high up in the air. Okay???…Okay. Got it? Good.”


NATE: “So…cwayons have wax, pens have ink, and pencils have…pencil stuff. They all have diffewent feces!!”
MOMMA: “Ummm…do you mean FEATURES?”
NATE: “That IS what I said.”
MOMMA: **Blink. Blink.**
NATE: “Awe you having twouble heawing Momma?”
MOMMA: **Uses serious, somewhat angry eyes**
NATE: “Now awe you having twouble talking Momma?”


DADDY: “Some dinosaurs can fly. Some can walk. Some eat meat, some eat plants, some eat both!”
NATE: “Good obsewvation Dad.”


NATE: “Momma, you awe doing it wong.”
MOMMA: “Is there a wrong way Nate? How about I put these cars and dinosaurs how I like, and you put yours how you like?”
NATE: **BIG. BIG. HUGE Sigh.**
NATE: “No.”
NATE: “I love YOU Momma, but I don’t love what you awe DOING!”
MOMMA: (muttering) “Sheesh kid…what a buzzkill.”


LYLA: “Momma, I hungwy.”
LYLA: “Momma.”
LYLA: “Momma. I…I…I…need fwuit snacks.”
MOMMA: “Oh really?! You NEED fruit snacks Lyla?”
LYLA: “Uh-huh.”
NATE: “Lyla, you WANT fwuit snacks. You don’t NEED them. There is a diffewence you know.”


And to end…a little more serious, but no less profound!

NATE: “Where were you bowned Momma?”
MOMMA: “Borned? Where was I born?”
NATE: “Yes, did you not hear me?”
MOMMA: “Okay. Watch it. I was born in Michigan.”
NATE: “Watch what? You were bowned in Michigan? Not heaven?”
MOMMA:  “Awe, sweetie! No, not in heaven.”
NATE:  “Well, you look like you were borned in heaven. I guess thewe awe diffewent places to get bown. Well…I was bown in heaven. It’s beautiful thewe. You’ll see.”

2 thoughts on “NATE’S NOTES: In Nate’s Words

  1. Amanda, he brought tears to my eyes. What an amazing little boy. Jerilyn and I have talked many times about how deep he is sometimes. Precious, special little boy. God bless you as you continue on the road of being his Mom.

    Hugs to you and your husband. What a blessed commitment.


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