Nate’s Notes -Nature Is Incredible (Hijacked by Momma)

Nature-Flowers Plants-Stylized- 0575Momma’s Note: I often wonder how much effect my work with photography has on my littles. I wonder how what I do impacts the way they see the world, however much they may pay attention. We go on quite a few field adventures to capture images of State Parks, National Parks, animals, cities, boats, planes, cars, historic locations, abandoned buildings, flowers, landscapes…and more. In the 3+ years we have been parents, we have covered a lot of ground, locally and nationally. Road trips, train rides, plane flights, boat rides and hikes have allowed us to see so much of the world around us. There aren’t many places I don’t take at least one camera, and the littles have gotten used to me saying, “Wait- stop here! Pull over! I want to get that picture! We don’t have a lot of grass, or fence posts!!” Lyla goes along with all of it, being the happy little she is. Nate objects now and then. Sometimes I feel like I’m dragging them all over. Sometimes I feel guilty. Sometimes I feel immeasurable happiness to be able to share the world this way, to show them how to look and “see” everything, to pay attention to details. Sometimes I get lost in all this wonder…and then I hear my answers, and I am happy.


Daddy: Do you want to go to the store with me Nate?
Nate: Nah. I’ll stay hewe and look at wildflowews with Momma. (Takes my hand and looks at me.)
Nate: Momma? Isn’t natuwe incwedible?!
(Nate can be seen squinting his eyes and making clicking noises. )
Momma: Nate are you okay? What are you doing?
Nate: Momma! I’m taking a pictoo of this moment.
Lyla: Oooo! Duckies!
Nate: It’s so cold!!! Ooooo…Look at that sky! Isn’t it beautiful!
Daddy: It’s like a painting huh Nate?!
Nate: Good obsewvation Dad.
(Upon getting out of car and seeing a full Japanese Maple tree with a perfect canopy.)
Nate: Wow! Look at that twee Momma! It makes a pewfect canopy!
Momma: Yes Nate, the rain made it heavy. Very cool right?!
Nate: Come. Come. We can take sheltew undew this canopy.
Nate: See all those wocks in the wiver Lyla?
Lyla: Nope.
Nate: (Pulls her down and shoves her head toward the water.)
Lyla: Hey. Hey! Hey!!!
Nate: Well, you wewen’t looking!! See the wed wocks, the golden wocks, the gway wocks. So many diffewent wocks to look at!!!
(Lyla drops to her knees on a walk and starts crawling.)
Momma: Lyla, what are you doing?
Lyla: Look at da bus Ma! (Translation: Look at the bugs Momma)
Nate: Momma, she’s actually looking at all things natuwe. She wants to be a natuwe twacker. It’s a good thing. Just let hew be.

And there you have it!   Life is good. 

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