Nate’s Notes: A Big Year

Well, it’s a new year.  I’m another year older…and she is still here.  It’s been a big year!  I remember when she first came to live with us.  I remember Momma and Daddy calling me a big brother for the first time.  I remember holding her for the first time, her throwing up on me for the first time, the first time she smiled at me, laughed at me, and growled at me.   I go back and forth about having her around.  She smells.  She makes funny noises.  She keeps us ALL up at night.  She gets a lot of attention.  Sometimes I act like her so that I get attention too…as if to say, “Hello big people!  Remember me?  The funny, witty, charming one who actually HELPS with things?”   Then, when no one is paying attention to either of us, I remind her that I was here first.  This usually ends in crying, head butting and an innocent-looking, well placed move from me that appears to be a hug just as Momma and Daddy look at us.   On the other hand, she thinks I’m super cool (maybe she’s smarter than I thought), AND she growls.  Both of these will come in handy.  And when she smiles at me or gives me a kiss, I get that happy tug and warm feeling.  When she laughs because of something I do, I can’t help but smile!  

I’m talking about Lyla, of course.  This last weekend it was her birthday.  She’s one now!  It seems like when I turned one, I had such a better understanding of life than Lyla does.  I already had my own blog, was practicing with cameras (even without permission), and had the art of distraction down, especially in public when Momma embarrassed us with her camera.  Lyla seems like such a baby.  She just crawls through life unaware of all that is done around her and for her.  Pfff.  Some kids.  Oh to be that unaware.   

She’s watching me now…actually she’s headed this way, so I better stop.  Not that she would understand what I’m doing, but I don’t need her drawing attention to me.  I guess I’ll have to pretend to be really interested in learning the ABC song again so Momma doesn’t catch on to me writing this.  I mean, how many times can you hear that song???!!!  Lyla doesn’t mind; she’ll just clap and bop her head like she does every time…such a baby.   Gotta go!    

One thought on “Nate’s Notes: A Big Year

  1. Nate you are such an awesome big brother to your little sister and I know deep down you love her so so much and as you both grow it will be her getting in your way and again you will butt heads , and when it comes to her dating (you will I promise you ) be right there on her date with her or not far behind looking out and protecting her , and if any guy hurts her Heaven help that boy cause you will beat his butt black and blue , cause to are protecting your little sister . I love ou both very much

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