RSWL: Stories

Stories.  We listen to them, we read them, and we tell them.  They tease us, inform us, distract us, and entertain us.   A good story gives us something to think about.  Stories capture us almost as soon as they begin. Each of our lives is a story of failures, successes, sadness and joys.  We can even tell ourselves stories about our lives that don’t agree with the reality of our lives.  But we tell the stories anyway.

We, as people, love stories.  They surely are one of the oldest forms of art in history.  Stories transcend cultures, classes, and time.  They live from one era to another until they are so deeply rooted in our identities.   They teach future generations.

July 14 2011 sony 001We, as The Transmogrifier Team, love stories.   We love looking for untold stories in the objects and places we photograph.   We love hearing stories when we are out on our field adventures.   We welcome chance encounters with people on location.  Why is that building there?   How did this mine get here?   When did the cemetery begin?   We search for stories about objects.   And in that searching, in those encounters, we learn and grow.   We share.  We share those stories with you when we provide extra information for each image.  We share those stories in our various blog posts.

We also take our pictures to try and tell a story, perhaps one not yet told.   Our team members photograph to preserve.   If you haven’t checked our galleries lately, visit one or two and you just may read some stories.  Even if you don’t find those stories in writing, you just may see them as you flip through the images.   That’s our story…and we’re sticking to it.

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